Alteración de la inmunidad celular en pacientes epilépticos tratados con hidantoínas
Peñarrocha M, Alfaro A, Sastre A, Peláez A, Antolín MA. Alteración de la inmunidad celular en pacientes epilépticos tratados con hidantoínas. Rev Esp Epilepsia 1988; 3:178-81.
The cell-mediated immunity was examined in 27 epileptic patients under therapy with hydantoins, by means of intradermal skin tests with tuberculin-PPD (1, 10 and 100 UT), streptokinase-streptodornase, candidin and trichophytin, as well as active sensitization to dinitrochlorobencene (DNCB). Late skin responses were assessed according to a modification of Sokal’s and Rubinstein’s criteria.
There was severe impairment of cell-mediated immunity in two patients (7,4%). The impairment was moderate in five (18,5%) and mild in the (37%), and there were no alterations of cell-mediated immunity in a further then patients (37%). The immunological involvement was independent of age, sex, duration of therapy, plasma phenytoin level and folic acid concentration, and showed no statistically significant correlation to the decrease of the IgA levels which was observed in these patients.
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