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Blog de Cirugía e Implantología Oral

25 Feb 2016

Minimally invasive prosthetic procedures in the rehabilitation of a bulimic patient affected by dental erosion

Derchi G, Vano M, Peñarrocha D, Barone A, Covani U. Minimally invasive prosthetic procedures in the rehabilitation of a bulimic patient affected by dental erosion. J Clin Exp Dent. 2015;7(1):e170-4.


The population affected by dental erosion due to bulimia is generally very young. This population group has a high aesthetic requirement; the dentition in these patients is severely damaged, especially in the anterior maxillary quadrant. In terms of treatment, it is still controversial whether an adhesive rehabilitation is preferable to a longer-lasting but more aggressive conventional treatment, such as full-crown coverage of the majority of teeth. This case report describes the prosthetic rehabilitation of a young female patient previously affected by bulimia nervosa and presentingerosion of the maxillary teeth. The prosthetic rehabilitation was performed through indirect adhesive restorations of the anterior teeth and direct restorations of the posterior teeth. A clinical follow-up after 4 years showed that the occlusion remained satisfactorily restored. Posterior direct composite resin restorations and anterior indirect adhesive composite restorations proved to be an effective time and money-saving procedure to rehabilitate patients affected by dental erosion. Adhesive rehabilitation provides a functional and good aesthetic result while preserving tooth structure. Key words:Bulimia, dental erosion, composite resin, veneers.

Cirugía e implantología oral de la Universitat de València: Cirubuca