Surgical treatment and follow-up of solitary bone cyst of the mandible:a report of seven cases
Peñarrocha-Diago M, Sanchis-Bielsa JM, Bonet-Marco J, Minguez-Sanz JM. Surgical treatment and follow–up of solitary bone cyst of the mandible:a report of seven cases. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2001 Jun;39(3):221-3.
We have operated on and followed up seven patients with simple mandibular bone cysts. The clinical data are shown in Table 1. All cysts were asymptomatic, and were found as a result of routine radiographs. They were all in dentulous areas in the mandible (5 in the anterior zone). Only case 5 gave a clear history of trauma in the region of the cyst 7 years before diagnosis. Vitality of the pulp of adjacent teeth was confirmed in all cases except case 6, in whom endodontic orthograde treatment of the teeth included in the lesion zone had previously been done. In all cases, the radiographs showed a unilocular radiotransparent lesion with clearly defined margins and occasionally a typical festooned pattern around the apexes of the adjacent teeth.
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