Dental extraction in patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy
Sánchez-Palomino P, Sánchez-Cobo P, Rodriguez-Archilla A, González-Jaranay M, Moreu G, Calvo-Guirado JL, Peñarrocha-Diago M, Gómez-Moreno G. Dental extraction in patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal. 2015 Sep 1;20(5):e616-20.
Dual antiplatelet therapy consists of administering antiplatelet (antiaggregant) drugs (clopidogrel and aspirin) to prevent thrombotic processes, as a preventative measure in patients with acute coronary disease, or in patients subjected to percutaneous coronary intervention.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a protocol for performing dental extraction in patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy.
Thirty-two patients undergoing dental extractions were included in the study. The variables evaluated were: collagen-epinephrine fraction, collagen- adenosine diphosphate fraction, surgical surface, post-surgical measures, and adverse effects. Alveolar sutures and gauzes impregnated with an antifibrinolytic agent (tranexamic acid), which the patient pressed in place for 30 minutes, were applied to all patients as post-surgical measures. Descriptive statistics were calculated and analyzed with Student’s t-test to compare pairs of quantitative variables; simple regression analysis was performed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Statistical significance was set at p<0.05.
Collagen/epinephrine fraction was 264.53±55.624 seconds with a range of 135 to 300 seconds, and collagen/ADP fraction was 119.41±44.216 seconds, both values being higher than normal. As a result of the post-surgical measures taken, no patients presented post-operative bleeding, hematoma or infection.
Dental extraction was safe for patients receiving dual anti-platelet therapy when using sutures and gauze impregnated with tranexamic acid, which the patient pressed in place for 30 minutes.
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